The Sacrament of Reconciliation, also known as the Sacrament of Penance is the sacrament which allows us to return the state of our baptism, where we are freed from sin. It is in this sacrament that we find God’s unconditional forgiveness, and as a result we are called to forgive others. We are encouraged to receive the Sacrament of Penance frequently throughout our lifetime so that we can benefit from the graces we obtain through reception of this sacrament.
The Healing of the Sacrament of Reconciliation
“Bless me Father for I have. . . . ” Perhaps one of the hardest things we do is admit to our own wrongdoing. It’s hard to say that we have sinned—and be willing to turn our life around to avoid...
Felt Needs
Struggling to Confess
Okay, so I’m slowly, painstakingly working on the NFP book — there’s a bunch of personal stuff going on, and also I sprained my ankle and now everything is taking about twice as much energy as...Confession times at Ascension Parish
Saturday 4:00 - 4:45pm or by appointment